Loddon & Pyes Mill
Loddon Staithe
At the head of the river the tree lined public staithe has good moorings, suitable for boats of all sizes. Mooring is stern-
Loddon Mill
The mill at Loddon is one of the oldest buildings built in the town. The river had to be diverted to make full use of the mill. Some years later the local seed merchants paid to have the river dredged. This was done by hand and allowed wherries up to the mill and adjacent warehouses. In 1912 heavy rain caused floods, the mill was in danger. Luckily a group of local men worked tirelessly to save the mill.
Modern Housing at Loddon Staithe
After the floods in 1968 a decision was made to redevelop the staithe and surrounding area. Old buildings long out of use were removed and a new basin dug. The housing opposite the staithe came much later, built in 2002 on the Mistralcraft boat repair yard.
Holy Trinity Church at Loddon
Loddon is an attractive market town with many splendid Georgian houses along its main street. The fine Church of the Holy Trinity stands high over the village and surrounding countryside. It can be seen all along the Chet valley. From the church a footpath leads through Loddon Marshes back towards the staithe. Turn right for a longer walk to Pyes Mill returning along the river to the staithe.
Loddon Marshes
The path behind Holy Trinity church leads over the grazing marshes to Pyes Mill. Ponies graze the marshes and bright yellow buttercups carpet the fields in spring. Watch out for the ponies if you’re returning from a shopping expedition, as they seem to be able to sniff out foodstuffs quite easily!
Pyes Mill Picnic Area
Pyes Mill Picnic Site derives its name from the post mill that stood someway south of the moorings on Mill Road. The moorings are set in an attractive lightly wooded area with picnic benches, with barbeque stands. Also on the staithe is an interesting sculpture by Mark Goldsworthy carved from a solid oak trunk.
Bags Broke by Mark Goldsworthy
Mark Goldsworthy carved the sculpture from a 2 tonne oak trunk. It seems to have a number of names but carved around the base are the words “MUM BAGS BROOK WHERE THE SHOPPIN’ GO” or for short “ Bags Broke”. The fingerpost points the way to Loddon and is where the family depicted in the sculpture went shopping. With so many shops to choose from in Loddon they overloaded their shopping bags. The items “dropped” along the way appear as way markers guiding prospective shoppers from the staithe into Loddon.